Thursday, February 11, 2016


because I can't make up my mind between the professionalmaybe WordPress and the simple Blogspot. because I'm greedy. because I'm nervous. because it's a whirlwind of whatwillhappennext. because it's a tornado of whatdoIwritenext and Ineedtofinishtheseprojectsfirst with an added tsunami of whoneedsaconstantplatformanyway? - ! because I don't want to capitalize the becauses. because I'm a poet. because I like putting words together. because capitalizing the I and proper nouns is the only rule with which I honor my English degree. because I like repetition. because I like routine. because I both fear cycles and see the rotating beauty. because I've always gone my own way. just because.


  1. Wishing you success in your new blog. I see words are running together. you might want to check it out. :)
